The Purple Cities Alliance was created with the goal of making Knoxville, TN the first Dementia Friendly City (“Purple City”) in the U.S. and we continue to serve as a model for other communities across the country.
In a Purple City, community members and organizations execute specific steps to learn about dementia and help those with dementia feel safer and better cared for in our community. The Purple Cities Alliance is a team of local volunteers, practitioners, and community leaders leading this initiative. The Purple Cities Alliance provides dementia education and training resources that enable community members and organizations to become more dementia friendly.
The Purple Cities Alliance of East Tennessee is encouraging all citizens and organizations in Tennessee to join us in the journey toward making our communities safe for our neighbors who are dealing with cognitive issues. We also encourage communities everywhere to download our education materials to use as a base for their own journey toward becoming dementia friendly. The Purple Cities Alliance of East Tennessee will assist other communities wishing to follow our model,
We are a grass roots, completely volunteer driven organization. We rely completely on the kindness of people who give freely of their time and resources to create a community that is prepared to lend a hand to our neighbors with dementia.
We are proud to provide Dementia Education to companies and organizations that would like to create dementia friendly communities. We have volunteers prepared to lead trainings in Knoxville and will support those outside the Knoxville area to lead trainings wherever they are. The training is FREE and can take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour depending on the requirements of the group.
If you are interested in a Purple Cities Training for your organization, or if you need assistance getting started in your community please email [email protected]
We welcome anyone to follow our lead and freely use our model and educational format. The document below contains all the points needed to complete the fifteen minute training. We then open it up to questions. Be sure not to give medical advice, refer questions about behaviors etc. to physicians and/or Alzheimer's Association and Alzheimer's TN.
In the near future we will upload a video of one of our volunteers leading a training session.
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